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“A moving story of a woman who made a difference in the aftermath of the most iconic battle of World War II, the Battle of Normandy. It is a primer on the history of that transformational time and every generation will be inspired by Simone Renaud’s commitment and devotion."

Susan Eisenhower, author of How Ike Led: The Principles Behind Eisenhower’s Biggest Decisions
“Mother of Normandy is an amazing true story and an important history book that reminds us to Never Forget. My father would have loved this book. It speaks of many things that he believed in including Freedom, Sacrifice, and honoring our veterans.”

Michael Reagan, Radio, and TV Personality
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6-minute Trailer Below
“I am deeply grateful to Doug Stebleton and Jeff Stoffer for writing and publishing the story of my mother, Simone Renaud. This beautifully written book demonstrates in words and photographs her life dedication and respect for the American soldiers who liberated us in 1944.  My mother passed away in 1988, but her spirit and undying gratitude for her heroes remain with us.”

Maurice Renaud, President of the Amis des Veterans Americans (AVA, Friends of the American Veterans) founded by Simone Renaud
The Story of Simone RENAUD
This is the story of one remarkable woman, whose devotion to a generation of world war 2 heroes from d day transcended all boundaries.

Madame Simone Renaud witnessed the liberation of France on June 6, 1944 from a very unique vantage point – the small town of St. Mere Eglise – the first town liberated in the D Day invasion and the drop point for the 82nd  and 101st airborne division of the United States Army.  

It was here that she, along with her three young sons and husband, the mayor of St. Mere Eglise, watched the triumph and tragedy unfold during a day that defined history.  And it was here that so many American soldiers, who gave their lives to protect freedom and democracy, found their final resting place.

Madame Renaud spent a lifetime tending to the graves of those American soldiers and corresponding with their loved ones back home.  She became friend, family and touchstone to those whose lives were forever changed by

The mark she left is indelible.  Her story is too. Simone Renaud bridged an ocean.
The Story of 
This is the story of one remarkable woman, whose devotion to a generation of heroes transcended all boundaries.

Madame Simone Renaud witnessed the liberation of France on June 6, 1944 from a very unique vantage point – the small town of St. Mere Eglise – the first town liberated in the D Day invasion and the drop point for the 82nd  and 101st airborne division of the United States Army.
It was here that she, along with her three young sons and husband, the mayor of St. Mere Eglise, watched the triumph and tragedy unfold during a day that defined history.  And it was here that so many American soldiers, who gave their lives to protect freedom and democracy, found their final resting place.
Madame Renaud spent a lifetime tending to the graves of those American soldiers and corresponding with their loved ones back home.  She became friend, family and touchstone to those whose lives were forever changed by

The mark she left is indelible.  Her story is too. Simone Renaud bridged an ocean.
Special D Day Edition (published 2024)
The Mother of Normandy coffee table book contains over 200 pictures and maps and was produced as a companion piece to the Mother of Normandy documentary film. The book takes an in-depth look at some of the people featured in the film including D-Day veterans Bop Piper, Bill Tucker, Don Lassen, Bob Murphy, Roy Creek, Col. Edward Krause, Gen. Teddy Roosevelt Jr., Capt. John Garrabrandt, and Pvt. John Steele, who was made famous by the blockbuster film, "The Longest Day." The book includes Madame Renaud’s poems and actual letters sent to the Renauds from American families in the postwar years, along with accounts of the bloodiest small-arms battle in World War II and the way in which American towns like Locust Valley, N.Y., came to the aid of a recovering France by launching a nationwide program called Operation Democracy.
This Special D-Day Anniversary Edition was created with updates and added features to honor the 80th Anniversary of D-Day. It has 3 additional chapters of invaluable insights, providing readers with a comprehensive overview of the various projects and developments that have unfolded in Normandy over the past 14 years since the first edition of the book was published in 2010. In this edition we touch upon the remarkable initiatives in Sainte Mere Eglise, including Operation Democracy, the Airborne Museum, and the American Legion. We will also spotlight the contributions of the American Veterans Association, (AVA) the Reagan Legacy Foundation and Patton Legacy Sports, while paying tribute to the veterans who are no longer with us.
The Mother of Normandy film’s screenplay and coffee table book were written by Jeff Stoffer who is the Editor and Director of the American Legion Magazine Division. 
Jeff oversees the nation’s largest media outlet for veterans, with a magazine that reaches 1.8 million homes a month. 
He has written on a wide variety of subjects throughout his career and is recognized as a national leader in multi-media integration for member based associations.
Oscar-nominated actress Leslie Caron lends her voice to “Mother of Normandy," a documentary film about a little-known but unforgettable woman who bridged an ocean between her beloved corner of France and the families who lost loved ones in the battle for the liberation of Europe during World War II. Simone Renaud, wife of the wartime Mayor of Ste. Mere-Eglise, spent 44 years expressing to the families of the fallen, and to surviving veterans of the D-Day invasion, her undying gratitude for freeing her country from Nazi occupation. She expressed that gratitude one letter at a time, one personal visit at a time, and by arranging commemorations that continue today, nearly 25 years after her death. The film contains exclusive interviews with D-Day veterans like Don Lassen, Bob Murphy, Bob Piper and Bill Tucker. Never-before-seen footage and photography also are featured in the film, a lasting tribute to those who gave all for the future of freedom.  
Proceeds from the sale of this book  will benefit The American Legion Overseas Grave Decoration Trust Fund.
The American Legion supplies U.S. flags free of charge for the grave markers of all U.S. military personnel buried in European cemeteries administered by the American Battle Monuments Commission.
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First Edition (published 2010)
The Mother of Normandy coffee table book contains over 160 pictures and maps and was produced as a companion piece to the Mother of Normandy documentary film. The book takes an in-depth look at some of the people featured in the film including D-Day veterans Bop Piper, Bill Tucker, Don Lassen, Bob Murphy, Roy Creek, Col. Edward Krause, Gen. Teddy Roosevelt Jr., Capt. John Garrabrandt, and Pvt. John Steele, who was made famous by the blockbuster film, "The Longest Day."  The book includes Madame Renaud’s poems and actual letters sent to the Renaud’s from American families in the postwar years, along with accounts of the bloodiest small-arms battle in World War II and the way in which American towns like Locust Valley, N.Y., came to the aid of a recovering France by launching a nationwide program called Operation Democracy.
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“I am deeply grateful to Doug Stebleton and Jeff Stoffer for writing and publishing the story of my mother, Simone Renaud. This beautifully written book demonstrates in words and photographs her life dedication and respect for the American soldiers who liberated us in 1944.  My mother passed away in 1988, but her spirit and undying gratitude for her heroes remain with us.”

Maurice Renaud, President of the Amis des Veterans Americans (AVA, Friends of the American Veterans) founded by Simone Renaud
Mother of Normandy is the distillation of what D-Day was all about. Madam Renaud held to her what it meant to be the mother of those who fell for us all in Normandy. Writing grieved families, tending the graves, and nurturing the spirit that is so binding when the words D-Day are mentioned.”

Col. Keith M. Nightingale (Ret.), author of four books, including Phoenix Rising and D-Day: The Human Face of Normandy

“This e-book is a significant educational tool that provides a very human element to the understanding of two seminal events of the twentieth century—the Second World War and Euro-American relations during the Cold War.  Most importantly, the book serves to remind us all that in the darkest times it is those who reach out to help others, even those they may never meet, that can make the greatest difference in the lives of people and nations.”
Dr. John Staudt, Ph.D., Department of History, Hofstra University
“Simone Renaud demonstrated that one person can cause the launching of ‘a thousand ships.’ She showed us the need for gratitude for our lives, our freedom, our relationships, and the sacrifice of those who protect and defend us, as she calls to us all to make an unforgettable pilgrimage to Normandy during D-Day week so that we ‘never forget’.”

— Cathy Cyphers Soref, Honorary President of Operation Democracy
“One of the most important stories of our greatest generation and the epitome of self-sacrifice and commitment to the veterans who liberated France. The amazing true story of Simone Renaud, the selfless servant who took care of our American soldiers’ graves for over 40 years, is one of the greatest stories never adequately told. Speaking as a retired 30-year U.S. Army veteran, I unequivocally say that it should be read by every current service member to help them understand the tremendous cost that has been paid by previous generations and the importance of honoring those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.”

— Col. Edwin “Andy” Anderson (Ret.), Special Forces, Green Beret
“In an age where the global village is presented in slogans rather than human stories, this book puts human faces on conflict and connection. In a world where acts of kindness are promoted but not sustained, Mother of Normandy speaks humbly yet forcefully about the power of example. This book reminds us that concern for others is an attitude which gets polished through action, and each of us holds the cloth. As an educator, I understand the teaching power of history. Mother of Normandy holds simple truths of the past to help us define the future.”

—Stephen H. Watters, Former Headmaster of Green Vale School, NY
The Mother of Normandy film’s screenplay and coffee table book were written by Jeff Stoffer who is the Editor and Director of the American Legion Magazine Division. Jeff oversees the nation’s largest media outlet for veterans, with a magazine that reaches 2.4 million homes a month. He has written on a wide variety of subjects throughout his career and is recognized as a national leader in multi-media integration for member based associations.
The Mother of Normandy coffee table book contains over 160 pictures and maps and was produced as a companion piece to the Mother of Normandy documentary film. The book takes an in-depth look at some of the people featured in the film including D-Day veterans Bop Piper, Bill Tucker, Don Lassen, Bob Murphy, Roy Creek, Col. Edward Krause, Gen. Teddy Roosevelt Jr., Capt. John Garrabrandt, and Pvt. John Steele, who was made famous by the blockbuster film, "The Longest Day."  The book includes Madame Renaud’s poems and actual letters sent to the Renaud’s from American families in the postwar years, along with accounts of the bloodiest small-arms battle in World War II and the way in which American towns like Locust Valley, N.Y., came to the aid of a recovering France by launching a nationwide program called Operation Democracy.
Oscar-nominated actress Leslie Caron lends her voice to “Mother of Normandy," a documentary film about a little-known but unforgettable woman who bridged an ocean between her beloved corner of France and the families who lost loved ones in the battle for the liberation of Europe during World War II. Simone Renaud, wife of the wartime Mayor of Ste. Mere-Eglise, spent 44 years expressing to the families of the fallen, and to surviving veterans of the D-Day invasion, her undying gratitude for freeing her country from Nazi occupation. She expressed that gratitude one letter at a time, one personal visit at a time, and by arranging commemorations that continue today, nearly 25 years after her death. The film contains exclusive interviews with D-Day veterans like Don Lassen, Bob Murphy, Bob Piper and Bill Tucker. Never-before-seen footage and photography also are featured in the film, a lasting tribute to those who gave all for the future of freedom.  
Proceeds from the sale of this book will benefit The American Legion Overseas Grave Decoration Trust Fund.
The American Legion supplies U.S. flags free of charge for the grave markers of all U.S. military personnel buried in European cemeteries administered by the American Battle Monuments Commission.
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American Legion Magazine article, December 2006: Where Hero’s Fell
AVA - "Amis des Vétérans Américains en Normandie"
Maurice Renaud: Mother of Normandy
Sainte Mere Eglise Tour 2005 Bonus Footage
Radio Interview on the making of The Mother of Normandy Film with the film’s producer and director  Doug Stebleton
A Film Review
"Saintly Gratitude"
THE MOTHER OF NORMANDY is an entertaining, heart-rending television documentary about a person of faith and values who made a tremendous difference. It tells the story of Simone Renaud, the wife of the mayor of the town in Normandy where American soldiers parachuted behind German lines on D-Day during World War II. Simone tried everything she could to help them during the fierce firefights as the Nazis were shooting and killing the paratroopers. After the battle, she tended to the graves of the Americans and wrote thousands of letters to the bereaved families in America who had lost their young men. Singlehandedly, she became an ambassador of good will.

This story is not only worth telling; it’s worth watching. Throughout the movie, there are extremely strong statements of Christian faith, overt references to Jesus, and powerful reminders that America was once a Christian nation. It is very hard to create a dramatic documentary, but the writers, producers and director have done just that. From the smallest detail of sound and music to the largest topics presented in the documentary, THE MOTHER OF NORMANY is excellent filmmaking and deserves commendation.
By Movieguide Magazine
American Legion Magazine article, December 2006: Where Hero’s Fell
AVA - "Amis des Vétérans Américains en Normandie"
Maurice Renaud: Mother of Normandy
Sainte Mere Eglise Tour 2005 Bonus Footage
Radio Interview on the making of The Mother of Normandy Film with the film’s producer and director  Doug Stebleton
A Film Review
"Saintly Gratitude"
THE MOTHER OF NORMANDY is an entertaining, heart-rending television documentary about a person of faith and values who made a tremendous difference. It tells the story of Simone Renaud, the wife of the mayor of the town in Normandy where American soldiers parachuted behind German lines on D-Day during World War II. Simone tried everything she could to help them during the fierce firefights as the Nazis were shooting and killing the paratroopers. After the battle, she tended to the graves of the Americans and wrote thousands of letters to the bereaved families in America who had lost their young men. Singlehandedly, she became an ambassador of good will.

This story is not only worth telling; it’s worth watching. Throughout the movie, there are extremely strong statements of Christian faith, overt references to Jesus, and powerful reminders that America was once a Christian nation. It is very hard to create a dramatic documentary, but the writers, producers and director have done just that. From the smallest detail of sound and music to the largest topics presented in the documentary, THE MOTHER OF NORMANY is excellent filmmaking and deserves commendation.
By Movieguide Magazine
Doug Stebleton
Doug Stebleton
Mother of Normandy      |     Operation Democracy      |
Mother of Normandy      |     Operation Democracy